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Renowned ramen pop up finds permanent home in Cardiff

Updated: May 11, 2022

Matsudai Ramen finally finds a permanent residence as it opens its doors to its cult following, opening its first restaurant on Clare Road in Grangetown, claiming the space of the former Natwest Bank. Hosting pop-ups for the last few years across Wales and the UK with great success, James Chant, Matsudai Ramens founder can finally lay down his foundations. Continuously adapting his business in the trialling lockdown period, James created a renowned brand, establishing the business's success through its popular pop-ups and the selling of its innovative DIY Ramen kits online to different households across the UK, all eager to get their hands on a bowl of Matsudai Ramen.

James spent most of his life working in the music industry and had no previous experience working in kitchens professionally. Feeling a sense of disillusionment within the industry he was in, James got offered the chance to run a food pop up. He took the shot and put his all into this new venture, and from one pop up, Matsudai Ramen was born. We are anticipating long queues and fully booked tables when the restaurant opens this summer.

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